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Nicole Farmer

Nicole attended her first yoga class with her father and was so inspired by the experience that she began attending class every day. She was amazed at what the human body was capable of doing and encouraged at the joy she felt after every practice session. Her interest in teaching was sparked by her own teachers, Johnna Trimmer and Annabel Raab, who introduced her to the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lennox, Mass, where she earned her certification as an instructor in 2001.

Nicole's eclectic teaching style is influenced by her studies with Shiva Rea and Erich Schiffman, and of Sivananda and Ashtanga yoga. Still Kripalu remains the core of her teaching style giving her classes an incredible energy and unique flow. With her soothing voice, she leads you from asana to asana with fluidity, encouraging you to focus internally during your practice. Her presence is one of comfort and care, removing any pressure to push yourself by reminding you to let go of judgment and listen to the wisdom of your body. She creates the perfect balance of challenge and release in each class, leaving you with the blissful feeling of rejuvenation and restoration of the mind, body and spirit.

After nine years of teaching, Nicole is currently on a temporary hiatus. You can find her jewelry and mala creations at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Nicole and Lisa,

I love your blog !! You ladies are marvelous. I learned a lot reading the articles. Thank you for sharing, both of you are lovely, sweet and compassionate.
