Lisa Steele

Lisa is a Yoga Alliance Certified teacher, and received her teacher training at Om Yoga Center in New York City under the direction of Cyndi Lee. Some of the other teachers with whom she has studied include Rodney Yee, Donna Farhi, Susan Salzberg and David Nichtern.

Lisa brings a sense of fun to her yoga mat and views practicing yoga as a joyful celebration of the heart, body and mind. Her classes are a juicy vinyasa flow of mindfulness, awareness, and freedom, creating a supportive environment where students are challenged to engage more fully in their experiences. She teaches both basic and advanced classes, meditation, and a 6 week "brand new beginners" series. Long term recovery from a serious injury has deepened her understanding of the human body and the importance of patience.

She offers vast oceans of thanks and gratitude to her teachers, and students, who continually inspire her.

For Lisa's class schedule, please visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great web site that needs to be publicized. I go to yogalife and came across all the beautiful writings on your site by chance. Maybe a link on yogalife's web site would be availible. I am amazed at the vast knowledge the authors have and find the valuable info something that can't always be easily obtained in class. Thanks