Sounds and Symbology of OM, by Nicole

Several people have shared with me that the most challenging part of their first yoga experience was chanting OM at the beginning and the end of class. It can bring up images of a bunch of religious fundamentalists swaying back and forth worshipping a cow or something.

So what is the purpose and meaning of this practice? What should we think about as we vocalize this sacred sound?
It is said that all other sounds come from this vibration. If you were to right now, close your eyes and listen to any sound around you, you would be able to hear in it some part of the OM. Try it. Even the sound of trees blowing in the wind or a washing machine are made up of the sound vibrations of OM.

Let's look into the actual Sanskrit translation of OM (representatively written as "aum") and its symbology. Om is made up of 4 sounds, each representing a different state of consciousness. The "a" (as in "mama") expressed by the bottom curve represents the waking state, or our consciousness turned outward through the senses. Even the shape the mouth makes while creating this vibration is very open and outward. Try chanting only the "ahhh" for a bit and notice how it feels. I usually notice a very awake state or external awareness.

The "u" ("could") is expressed by the middle curve and signifies the dream state, where your consciousness is turned inward and you are able to explore the world behind your closed eyes.

The "m", represented by the top left curve represents the state of deep, dreamless sleep. Try closing your eyes and sounding out "mmmmm". Notice the feeling of balance and evenness you experience, like you're closing off the door to the outside world and reaching deep within to experience the Ultimate Truth of your existence.

Which brings us to the 4th and final sound: silence. This is represented by the dot and signifies "the coming to rest of all differentiated, relative existence. This utterly quiet, peaceful and blissful state is the ultimate aim of all spiritual activity" ( This is the True state of our being. The individual self, or ego, recognizes her absolute connection with the Divine once the veil of illusion has been lifted. Illusion, or maya, is represented by the crescent shape under the dot.

OM is God in the form of sound according to the ancient yogic texts of the Upanishads. Next time you chant OM, experiment with setting the intention of witnessing the Ultimate Truth that we are forever whole and connected to the Divine.

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