The Five Directions of Prana, by Nicole

Prāna is our life-force energy or "that which is infinitely everywhere". There are 5 directions of prana flows called vayus, which translated means winds. These flows are very helpful in our asana practice. If we can feel what the 2 main vayus are in a particular pose, it seems to become more balanced and essentially easier.

Prana vayu is the flow of energy upward (also relating to the upward flow of breath), whereas apana vayu is the downward flow of energy (relating also to the organs of digestion and elimination). Think about tadasana, or mountain pose, where you are standing like a mountain; feet hip distance apart rooting through the soles of the feet. This is a very grounding pose and we would refer to this grounding force as apana vayu. At the same time you are lifting through the crown of your head as if there were an invisible string attached from the crown to the sky. This upward flow is prana vayu. Notice how these two are connected.

Vyana vayu is the flow of energy from the core of our body outward to the limbs. Notice this expansive quality while in Virbhadrasana II (Warrior II), where your arms and legs are reaching in opposite directions. Without vyana vayu, the arms would be like noodles and the pose would lose its warrior quality. With samana vayu energy flows towards the core of the body. In this same warrior pose, try feeling how much stronger the pose is when you allow the energy to draw towards the very center of your body. Your belly draws in, tailbone tucks and the chest lifts. Without samana vayu our pose would lose its strength. Vyana and samana vayus are closely related.

The fifth vayu is udana. This is energy flowing upward and outward (like a sneeze). Kapalabati (skull shining) breath is a practice which utilizes udana vayu. We exhale forcefully and allow the inhale to be passive. This is a wonderful technique to release toxins in the body and allow for a sense of vitality and happiness.

Although these concepts seem quite simple, when I was first taught these forms and their functions over a year ago, I just didn't get it. It has only been in the last few months that I've started to truly feel these 5 different directions prana flows, and this awareness has brought my asana practice to a deeper place. As always practice with a balance of steadiness and ease, allowing these practices to unfold naturally.


"There is a current of love-energy that flows between Earth below and the Sun above. The central channel of the spine is the riverbed. The streaming is as delicate and powerful as the tingling touch of lovers. Entering there, radiance arches between the above and the below. The whole attention resting in the nerve, tingling delicately in the center of the spinal column, tracing that current between earth and sun, become magnetism relating all the worlds."
~Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, #12

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